One of the great statements in Scripture, comes from one of the great narratives in Genesis 22.  Abraham has just waited for 25 years for a promised son, an heir.  God then asks Abraham to take this promised heir, his only son Isaac, to the top of a mountain to be sacrificed to God.

While there are many interesting components to consider with God’s request, the focus of the narrative moves quickly to Abraham’s faith in God’s character.  Isaac asks where is the sacrifice? To which Abraham replies, “God Himself will provide the lamb for a burnt offering.”

These are sweet faith-filled words.  The man who has waited so many years for an heir to fulfill the promise of God to make his descendants a great nation, stands at the precipice of losing it all.  Yet, he believes the character and promise of God.  Just as He had done so many times for Abraham, God would again provide what was needed.

Not only did God provide a ram as a substitute for Isaac, He also has provided a substitute for us, Jesus Christ the Righteous.  This substitute demonstrated the love, righteousness, faithfulness, and holiness of God.  God’s demand for holiness and His insistence that sin be paid for, was satisfied completely and perfectly by Jesus.

This truth affects how we regard God, as He Himself is the provision of our truest needs  even today.  Paul reminds us of God’s commitment, by using the strongest example of provision possible. “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32) 

So as you encounter the desires and needs of your life, do you through eyes of faith see God, His love, His commitment and promise to you as sufficient in facing the details and challenges that you face. If He did not spare His own Son, will He withhold anything that you truly need?