Posts tagged with ‘Genesis’

4 Items

Faith When Facing Unfulfilled Dreams

by Tim Terpstra

The story of Abraham remind us of the realities that this life is filled with disappointment and unfulfilled dreams.  Abraham and Sarah left home with only a promise and a pocketful of faith. Along the way to experiencing what God had promised them, they instead suffered through days, months, and years of an empty home […]

A World Ruled By God

by Tim Terpstra

Selah Moment – Our world often seems to be ruled by the gods, perhaps not the ones that were thought to have ruled the ancient world, but certainly the gods of power, greed, prejudice, lust, and pleasure appear to control modernity.   The god of the sexually liberated leads to a celebration of a hook up culture and abortion rights; the god of greed exploits […]

Divine Provision

by Tim Terpstra

One of the great statements in Scripture, comes from one of the great narratives in Genesis 22.  Abraham has just waited for 25 years for a promised son, an heir.  God then asks Abraham to take this promised heir, his only son Isaac, to the top of a mountain to be sacrificed to God. While there […]

Perfect Wisdom, Perfect Timing, Every Time

by Tim Terpstra
Why Attend Church?

Have you ever wondered why God isn’t doing what you think He should be doing when you think He should be doing it?  We can, when not in the moment of waiting, answer the question with a general vague acknowledgement that He indeed knows best.   The scripture offers more than vagaries on His Sovereignty, but […]