Crosspoint community groups exist to intentionally and personally minister the gospel to one another so that Christ will be supremely glorified as His church is growing in unity and spiritual maturity.
In reading the mandates and example of the New Testament Church found in Scripture, biblical Christianity should be understood as not merely an individual pursuit, but a shared corporate journey with other Christ followers. Believers have been placed in the body of Christ at the moment of regeneration, and it is assumed in Scripture they would publicly identify with Christ and His people. We don’t want the size of our city, or the pace of our life, keep us from
One of the motivations for this commitment is to mutually encourage one another to grow in love for Christ and doing good works to one another and in the communities He has placed us. At Crosspoint, we believe every believer should seek to intentionally participate in settings that enhance and encourage corporate discipleship on a personal level. Our community group gatherings are crucial to continued unified growth into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Each participant provides something the body needs, and a healthy body will be used by God to reach the world with the gospel of Christ. These meetings can be convenient places to invite friends, family, and co-workers to join in geographically convenient locations.