
A couple of weeks ago we were challenged by the scripture not to set our hopes on uncertain riches, but to set our hope on God. (I Tim. 6:17)

We all know riches are not hope-worthy. We know riches are a very uncertain anchor for hope. If riches were any anchor at all, we wouldn’t worry as we do. In contrast Paul gave us in the preceding verses (v.15, 16) rock solid ground for hope. He reminds us that our God is “the blessed and only sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light.”

These are not just random facts about the Deity. These descriptions are ways your soul can be anchored in hope. Stop and think about His sovereignty, His authority, His immortality, and His glory. Take each one of these facts and consider them in relation to your uncertainties.

How does the sovereignty of God impact your current concern? How does His authority over all things relate to the cares in your life this week? How does his immortality overshadow your mortality? How can His glory penetrate your life so that your life can shine for His glory?

“Set your hope on God” may have a simplistic sound to our ears, especially at very difficult times, but it is the foundation of our life.

by Dick Fellars